birdwatching blogs
2011-12-29 | Askar Isabekov
Sparrowhawk came flying and scared the flock of Siskins. Siskins circled and were going to come back to the same tree. But Sparrowhawk was here! Siskins scared again and flew out forever. But Sparrowhawk stayed on the birch-tree about 10-15 minutes. It's very strange to me that Siskins came back to the tree where they was scared by the Sparrowhawk. [...... read more ]
2011-12-25 | Askar Isabekov
Warm and sunny day. The berries on the trees were already eaten, but were many catkins on the birches. I watched Great Tits, Hooded Crows, Blackbirds, Bramblings, Chaffinches, House Sparrows, Rooks, Mynahs, Pigeons and one Robin. Robin were searching food under the spruces, picking up thuja's seeds from the snow. [...... read more ]
2011-12-23 | Askar Isabekov
Warm and sunny day. The tour to Three-toed Woodpecker. I didn't see and hear Woodpecker but I knew the history of the tallow which I hung on trees. So the food I hung and scattered were eaten during at maximum 5 minutes by the Magpies which permanently watched all the rested visitors of the gorge. I understood it's impossible to attract Woodpecker to the tallow. On the road I saw two White-bellied Dippers and one Azure Tits. [...... read more ]
2011-12-17 | Askar Isabekov
The overcast and cold day. I wanted to watch Three-toed Woodpecker I saw yesterday but did not see anyone, saw only Wallcreeper on the fence of house at the bottom of the gorge. [...... read more ]
2011-12-16 | Askar Isabekov
Sunny but a quite cold day. At the mountains the birds are a bit mostly I noticed the Magpies awaiting the tourists departure that to feed the remnants of food. Carrion Crows sometimes caught the eye of me. One of the tourists told me about a bird larger than a sparrow with a rusty spots on body-flanks, he called this bird the mendicant , because it peck something on the ground directly close to humans, as if solicit the food. I did not understand what species of the bird he described. But just a half of hour I saw this bird - it was the Alpine Accentor. The bird really wasn't afraid of the people, I photographed it from about 2-3 meters. In addition to Alpine Accentor I saw two White-winged Grosbeaks and two Songar Tits. My wife was lucky to see more the Three-toed Woodpecker, but I only heard it. [...... read more ]
2011-12-10 | Askar Isabekov
The warm and sunny day. The Robin was not so timid as before, but my attention worried it. Robin firstly fed on the thawed grass until the Blackbird chased it. Later I saw it were pecking the seeds under the thuja and eating berries on the bush. Robin like other birds prefer to eat the berries on the sunny side of bush, probably because the berries were thawed by the sun. Some Lesser Whitethroats were feeding the berries too, others ones were pecking the birch catkins. One Whitethroat was bathing in the water droplets which were gathered on the leaves of the bush. In addition to Robin and Whitethroats I also saw Bramblings, House Sparrows, Blackbirds, Mynahs, Hooded Crows, Rooks, Magpies, Pigeons, Great Tits. [...... read more ]
2011-12-04 | Askar Isabekov
I took the shot of Robin, though from afar and not good quality but I still recorded the fact of observation. Also I saw Black-throated Thrushes, both single birds and a flock. Lesser Whitethroats behaved cheerfully despite the snow and the slight frost. [...... read more ]
[more photos ......]
2011-12-03 | Askar Isabekov
Overcast weather. Yesterday's snow melted away but the new snowfall began. Common birds: Hooded Crows, Rooks, Magpies, a lot of Blackbirds, Mynahs, very active Great Tits; not so many Chaffinches, Bramblings and House Sparrows. The pair of Collared Doves arrived and fed under the thuja. Also I noticed the Greenfinches. In the dark-grey sky the Crows were chasing the raptor looked like Buzzard by the silhouette. Uncommon birds: European Robin; I specially searched it, three times it flashed in my eyes, but I didn't shoot it. Lesser Whitethroats; I saw them in three places, not less than five birds. They fed like all other birds the berries and seeds of thuja. And they hid, like all other birds in the spruce-trees. [...... read more ]
2011-12-01 | Askar Isabekov