birdwatching blogs
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2010-05-31 | Askar Isabekov
Zhanatas. Morning was very overcast. Karatau foothills bloomed by steppe flowers. Birds were active, and majority of all were Red-headed Buntings and Rollers. Also there were a lot of Larks (Crested, Calandra and Bimakulated). Sometimes I noticed Pied Wheatears. On wires near Zhanatas hillocks I watched one Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush. Turkestan. Mausoleum of Hodja Akhmed Yassawi. Directly in the holes of mausoleum the numerous of Mynahs and Jackdaws nested. Later I went to Kentau and hoped to find groves in the gorges of slopes of southern foothills of Karatau from Kentau side. I hoped that I could to find Paradise Flycatchers in these groves. But unfortunately I didn't get the gorges. But I guess Paradise Flycatcher more likely breeds in the gardens of villages over Kentau. On reservoirs near Kentau I noticed Common Terns. Close to evening I went to Syrdarya by the side of Shaulder. The road passes by the plain saline steppe. On this road I had only two interesting observations: the flock [...... read more ]
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2010-05-30 | Askar Isabekov
Aspara. In the morning in Aspara village in the little lake I observed Coots with juveniles and Moorhens, two Little Bitterns flew by, I shot one of them. But later two Night Herons flew by. The same case was yesterday but with Marsh Harrier. I didn't identify Herons immediately and long time looked them, but when I identified them and want to made photo the time was out. Today's Night Herons in fly were quite distinguished from same-sized gulls and other herons and I was fascinated looking to them flight. Also in Aspara morning I saw Oriental Turtle Doves and many Long-tailed Shrikes and in afternoon near Aspara I watched the nest of White Stork in which the Stork stood and clacked by bill. By the way the locals told me that there are not one but three nests of White Storks in the Aspara area.Aisha-Bibi. In the memorial complex Aisha-Bibi where I was in afternoon the birds were pleasured me. Firstly Desert Finches which I saw first time, secondly the Golden Oriole which I want to note [...... read more ]
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2010-05-29 | Askar Isabekov
Avrasia. In midway between Almaty and Bishkek there is Avrasia road service. On the service building the House Martins were building the nests but mud was brought from the next pool. It was my today first stay and first photos of birds. Sulutor locating on Zhetyzhol ridge before the Kordai pass is very similar to Ushkonyr, it is the mid-mounting plateau too. Locals said that grass in Sulutor is not fade till the autumn. Now is summer and grass in Sulutor is truly green in contrast to the yellow next steppes. Birds were Common Starlings, Rollers, Jackdaws, European Bee-eaters, Turkestan Shrikes, Lesser Grey Shrikes, Common Nightingale, Corn Bunting, pair of Wood Pigeons, Chukar Partridges (in rocks), Rosy Starlings and ubiquitous Red-headed Buntings. After Sulutor I went to Aspara. In the roadside thickets of Chu river valley sometimes the colonies of Spanish Sparrows occurred. Sparrows cross the road very low, and a lot of Sparrows were hit by the cars. The asphalt of road near colonies [...... read more ]
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2010-05-26 | Askar Isabekov
From the balcony of sixth floor I shot Grey-headed Goldfinches perching in the little tree under me. [...... read more ]
2010-05-24 | Askar Isabekov
Today my movement in city was without camera. In the Old Square I saw juvenile Blackbirds and singing Barred Warbler. But in Samal district on acacia tree I saw juvenile Grey-headed Goldfinches. [...... read more ]
2010-05-22 | Askar Isabekov
Day was overcast, rainy. During the day the rain was three times. On the numerous little lakes around Topar I noticed the same ducks I saw yesterday, but most popular of ducks were Ferruginous Ducks from the Red Data Book, also I saw female Red-crested Pochards with juveniles and once the male Garganey. Other birds were two Great White Egrets, Moorhens, Coots, one Little Bittern. In Topar village there were roaring Black Kites, also there were many Pale Sand Martins and Barn Swallows.Riparian forests of Ile river. Red-headed Buntings, Shikra in nest, Long-legged Buzzards, three times I saw males of Montagu's Harriers. On the bushes in addition to common Red-headed Bunting I noticed also wet Eurasian Bee-eaters, and on wires wet Rollers too. The birds flew a bit but sang actively. Bura, Bakanas. In Bura I a bit walked in saxaul forest. It was interesting to watch how Crested Larks and Isabelline Wheatears tried to get my attention probably because of the nests or nestlings were close. I [...... read more ]
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2010-05-21 | Askar Isabekov
Bura. Saxual Sparrows, Rufous Bush Robin, Shikra, Indian Sparrows, Isabelline Wheatears, Lesser Whitethroats, Red-headed Buntings. Once the Black-bellied Sandgrouses flew by. Here they are the birds of the saxaul forest of Southern Trans-Balkhash area.Jelturanga. Today's weather was very overcast; the morning rain was changed by the afternoon strong wind. In the large grove of asian poplar the wind was not so appreciable, but out of grove there was the true sand gale. All around in poplar grove there were the broken branches and sometimes the parts of trunks. At first sight the birds were absent. But on closer examination, firstly I saw the Turkestan Tits which hid in the tree holes. Holes were a lot, there were several holes on the each tree. The holes in the soft wood of the asian poplar were made by White-winged Woodpeckers which I saw some later. Woodpeckers were at least one pair but may be more. Also there were Pale-backed Doves, Hoopoes, Cuckoos, Spotted Flycatchers and one Little [...... read more ]
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2010-05-20 | Askar Isabekov
Itzhon Plateau. The road between Kapchagai and Malay-Sary. In the rare roadside asian elm thickets I saw Lesser Whitethroats, Hume's Warbler, Syke's Warblers, Lesser Grey Shrikes. The Stonechats and Red-backed Shrikes I saw two weeks ago already left this area. On the road till Malay-Sary ridge I saw four nests of Long-legged Buzzards. Apparently the nests were with nestlings because when I coming to the nests the adult Buzzards flew off and began soaring over me with cry. Once the same action was made by the Carrion Crow, I observed the Crow's nest and found four large nestlings. In the shadow of lower branches of asian elms sometimes Turtle Doves were noticed, twice I saw Oriental Turtle Doves and once European Turtle Dove. Also I saw one Cuckoo, one Spotted Flycatcher, a lot of singing Red-headed Buntings. All the time the Rosy Starlings and the Rooks occurred in a wide number. The trees were a bit, therefore both Rooks and Rosy Starlings perched in branches very close, cuddling up together. [...... read more ]
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2010-05-15 | Askar Isabekov
Almaty. At 6 a.m. in the Republic Square I saw Common Whitethroat and female Stonechat. Also I heard singing Whitethroats and Greenfinches. Ile river. The Rosy Starlings arrived to the Ile rocks. It means that now will be very difficult to watch other birds. Hundreds of Rosy Starlings filled all stones and splits. I planned to make photos of Rock Sparrow and Blue Rock Thrush which I saw in these rocks two weeks ago. But all stones where Rock Sparrows and Thrushes fed nestlings now occupied by Rosy Starlings. I found Rock Sparrow - adult bird fed the juvenile, but unfortunately Blue Rock Thrush wasn't found. Also I saw several Red-headed Buntings, pair of Pied Wheatears, one Hoopoe, one Nightjar. Some times I watched Chukar Partridges but it seems that number of Chukars decreased, Chukars are invisible, all around are filled by Rosy Starlings. Sitting in the colony of Rosy Starlings I was feeling that there are not other birds in the world. Birds of prey I saw were the Black Kites, one Booted [...... read more ]
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2010-05-14 | Askar Isabekov
After the night rain I took the walk to looking for the Nightjars and found two birds. [...... read more ]
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