Birds - 701
Mammals - 57
Reptilies - 28
Amphibians - 3
Ray-finned Fishes - 2
Insects - 184
Arachnids - 8
Malacostracans - 2
There are not a lot of birds on the mountains. May be I have gone to mountains some late but more probably birds have moved to high mountains because the weather has been warm. Today saw Red-mantled Rosefinches, two Dippers (one White-bellied and one Brown), Great, Coal and AzureTits, Goldcrests, Eversmann's and Guldenstadt's Redstarts. So I saw all common birds but at a little number. A lot of Mynahs have appeared. This birds behave aggressive to other little birds. On home coming saw birds near Raptor Birds Sanctuary. People has photographed Golden Eagle (largest from our eagles) and Eurasian Eagle-Owl (largest from our owls). Birds from Nursery are pacific and trim. [...... read more ]
Today my intention is Redstarts. Eversmann's and Guldenstadt's Redstarts are a little scary birds therefore I previously marked places when I planned to wait birds. On two places I have wait about one and a half hour in total. Redstarts have flew off and came back. I have seen two Eversmann's Redstarts (one some lighter other some brighter) and four Guldenstadt's Redstarts (three males and one female). Guldenstadt's Redstarts males have played a game like a barley-break. On the side I have seen other birds also. White-bellied Dipper, Azure Tits, Goldcrests, Wrens, Red-mantled Rosefinches. [...... read more ]
Today I again have gone to see Cinereous Vultures. Unfortunately haven't seen. The air was very dirty today. The smog covered not only city but mountain also. From the top of the crest I haven't seen anything. I think Vultures also don't see anything. It was meaningless to fly in the smog. Today I have seen Red-fronted Serins only. [...... read more ]
Today specially went to mountains to make photos of male Red-mantled Rosefinch and Guldenstadt's Redstart. I could make photos of male Rosefinch but not Redstart. Saw all that saw later in this places exclude Solitary Snipe. Saw White-bellied Dipper. [...... read more ]
In this gorge I saw Black Vultures regularly. Sometimes it was one bird but pair of Vultures was common. Vultures always fly in height and I it was impossible to make up photos. Today I specially have gone to the crest to watch Vultures. There is no path on this descent and I have clambered across briar bushes and thick branches of wild apricots and wild apples. Therefore I have climbed more than two hours. All this time I have never seen Vultures. Also during one and a half hour I have waited Vultures on the top of the crest. There are Coal Tits and Goldcrests in the pine grove on the crest. About 2 pm I have thought that Vultures will not fly today and have begun to come down. After ten minutes I have turned around and have seen two Vultures. They have ringed over two pines when I waited them one and a half hours. Ill success. Ringing Vultures have disappeared over the crest. But after a half an hour one Vulture have came back and have alighted to the rock. But I was a lot under bird [...... read more ]
Saw several Azure Tits, three White-bellied Dippers and flock of Red-fronted Serins. There are many Blackbirds and Carrion Crows, several Black-throated Thrushes. [...... read more ]
At last I could move to mountains. It would be desirable to look again birds in sea-buckthorn thickets. The place in mountains is really beauty, the small branch of the river, slowly course, bushes of sea-buckthorn around. A lot of birds, even Carrion Crows feed sea-buckthorn berries. The Tits (Coal Tits in main, Azure Tits, a bit of Great Tits) feed sea-buckthorn also. As fairly often Goldcrests feed in company of Tits. Wrens scurry along the river. From time to time Blue Whistling Thrushes come in sight (once my wife have seen the pair of Thrushes). Wrens are almost no timid. If to sit easy and silently Wren may to approach very close. Rosefinches. Actually I have gone to this place to see Rosefinches and some other birds I saw later. Apparently Rosefinches are Red-mantled. There are young birds and females in main. They are brownish with dark blotches. I have seen pink males twice only and have no possibility to photograph them. Rosefinches have fed sea-buckthorn berries only and regular [...... read more ]
Short walking to the mountains. Saw a flock (10 birds) of Long-tailed Tits. There are many Blackbirds and Black-throated Thrushes in the hawthorn thickets. Met several White-winged Grosbeaks. In the sea buckthorn thickets saw one Goldcrest, one Blue Whistling Thrush, one unknown Snipe and the flock of unknown Rosefinches. [...... read more ]
Saw several Estern Buzzards and two Common Kestrels. [...... read more ]
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© Askar Isabekov
Uzunagach, Almaty oblast.
© Askar Isabekov
Almaty, Aitykov str.
© Askar Isabekov
Sorbulak lake system. Almaty oblast.
© Askar Isabekov
Komsomol. Sorbulak lake system. Almaty oblast.