birdwatching blogs
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2007-05-29 | Askar Isabekov
There are a lot of juvenile Great Tits in the city. They are light-greenish-yellow color and always cheeping. Young Blackbirds already large size but parents nevertheless feed up them. [...... read more ]
2007-05-27 | Askar Isabekov
On the road saw two Hobbies, Golden Oriole (this year first in Kazakhstan, saw it in Tajikistan), Roller and many Rooks. In Zarechny saw two Black Kites and small flocks of the Rosy Pastors. Zholaman valley is an arid sage-brush, in places feather-grass steppe. Somewhere steppe is ploughed up. Calandra Larks and Red-headed Buntings are background birds. Sound background is singing of the birds of these two species. The number of Sky and Short-toed Larks and Tawny Pipits is some less. Other birds are a little: several Rollers, one (apparently migrant) Red-backed Shrike, several pale Turkestan Shrikes, one Great Grey Shrike, Hoopoes. Larks and Red-headed Bunting has already large nestlings. Red-headed Buntings are bright and noticeable birds but it's very difficult to close them. But just the other way Calandra Larks willingly posture to photos. Raptors. One male Hen Harrier, three Montagu's Harriers (pair + 1), one dark morph Long-legged Buzzard. Buzzard looked very dark like an eagle. In [...... read more ]
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2007-05-26 | Askar Isabekov
In the fir groves there were only Hume's Warbler and Coal Tits. One very low flying Kite. Two Brown Dippers. [...... read more ]
2007-05-22 | Askar Isabekov
Two sunny days and all Nightjars left the city. Only Common Whitethroats and scary Long-tailed Shrike stayed on the Republic Square. Saw swiftly hovering Hobby in the center of the city. [...... read more ]
2007-05-20 | Askar Isabekov
Three years ago I saw Nightjar first time. Today in the same place I saw already nine Nightjars. I found four birds on the yesterday's places. Four birds were sandy color. Three birds took off when I try to close them. Two of them were males with the white signal spots on the wings. There are many singing birds in the bushes. Saw only Common and Lesser Whitethroats and Common Nightingale. From the public birds I saw Turkestan Shrike and female of Stonechat only. [...... read more ]
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2007-05-19 | Askar Isabekov
Cool rainy day. In spite of rain there are many singing birds. I can't discern the voices of birds so good therefore it is difficult to me to say correctly what birds I heard today. But it is not so easy to find birds on the rainy day. Almost all birds hide in the thick branches. I can say correctly that I saw Common and Lesser Whitethroats. But even these birds were instant showed. Always female Stonechat is noticeable. It did not hide into the bushes but in spite of rain sat on the twigs of roses. So there are a little of birds. And to photograph birds on the rainy day is not so easy. Drops of water and mostly cloudy weather hinder to photograph. In murky weather it is possible to make photos only of low-mobility birds. For example Nightjars. Today I found five Nightjars. Two light sandy color birds and three some darker ones. In course. The first Nightjar sat in the grass under the bush. It was very dark color. Bird allowed to photograph it from two sides. When bird flew off white spots [...... read more ]
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2007-05-15 | Askar Isabekov
Поездка в Турсун-заде. Видел малого галстучника, длиннохвостого сорокопута, рыжепоясничных ласточек. На обратном пути в районе Гисара на рисовом поле видел квакву. [...... read more ]
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2007-05-14 | Askar Isabekov
6.00 - 7.00 am. Found one Nightjar which yesterday saw my wife. Nightjar was scary and I could closed to it only about five meters. Morning on the Square is the Kingdom of singing birds. Mostly Warblers sang, Lesser and Common Whitethroats, Grasshopper Warbler. Warblers are not public birds such as for example Shrikes or Stonechats. Many a time they hide in the thick branches but audible very well. By the way I heard Grasshopper Warbler first time but to examine it did not succeed. Besides Warblers saw female of Stonechat, Bluethroat and certainly Great Tits, Mynahs, Blackbirds and Greenfinches. [...... read more ]
2007-05-13 | Askar Isabekov
Here several days' mornings I saw Red-rumped Swallows from my balcony. May be they nest somewhere hereabout. High-rise houses and mud from the numerous building are all necessary for the building of nest. By late evening my wife walking with child on Republic Square saw four Nightjars flying above the new-mown lawns. One Nightjar sat down on the tree and my wife could examine even light spots on the wings in the darkness. [...... read more ]
2007-05-12 | Askar Isabekov
Along the road met only two Mistle Thrushes in the fir woods, one Azure Tit and small flock of Grey-headed Goldfinches. There are never many birds in the fir woods, also we went at early time. By the way Mistle Thrushes sang.The purpose of trip was observation of the birds in juniper groves on the boundary of conifer forests. The birds nesting in junipers are scary and hide into the thick branches at any little danger. Therefore ii is not so easy to observe them. The female of Red-mantled Rosefinch and Tree Pipit glimpsed. Pipit usually sang in flight. These birds are interesting, but today I attempted to photograph Himalayan Rubythroat. There were several singing Rubythroats but one male periodically arrived to sing into the same place. It sang onto three fir trees in turns. I sat in the middle of trees and awaited it. Also I spied and photographed other birds. Goldcrests probably already feed nestlings. The pair of birds always carried worms into the bushes. Black-throated Accentors and [...... read more ]
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