birdwatching blogs
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2007-04-27 | Askar Isabekov
6.00 - 8.00. Marshes over Sarybulak. All same birds as I saw yesterday. Only Gadwalls are new birds. Roller sat in the same place. Saw interesting pair flying to the east. Great White Egret and Grey Heron together.The return road to Almaty. The weather was windy and cloudy. Long-legged Buzzard and Rock Bunting sat at same places as I saw two days ago. I was surprised me. [...... read more ]
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2007-04-26 | Askar Isabekov
6 am – 8 am. Marshes over Sarybulak. The most popular birds are Pheasants, Kestrels, Black-headed Gulls, Turkestan Shrikes, Magpies, Carrion Crows. On lakes saw Moorhen, Mallards, Red-crested Pochards, Great White Egrets, one Green Sandpiper. Met this year first Roller. Hoopoes. Much birds fly from west onto east. Grey Herons, Great White Egrets, Common Terns, Great Cormorant, Spoonbill, Oystercatcher. Spoonbill in flight looks like Great White Egret but wafts of wings are more often. In the bushes Turkestan Tits sing. Barn Swallows fly.10 am – 11 am. Baiseit, a cattle-breeding farm. Mynahs, Common Starlings, Tree and Indian Sparrows, Barn and House Swallows, Hoopoe. House Swallows build nests. Bee-eaters have arrived. Saw them in one only a place. Flock about 8-10 birds sat on wires and trees.6 pm – 8 pm. Kyzyl-Sharyk. On familiar little lake all the same birds. Pair of Ruddy Shelduck, Little Ringed Plovers, Grey-headed Goldfinches, Hoopoes, Long-legged Buzzard. Crying Common Sandpipers [...... read more ]
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2007-04-25 | Askar Isabekov
The mountain road onto Shelek goes along the Big Almaty Channel (BAK). In the beginning the road goes on champaign and is completely enclosed by road bushes. Near Avat saw Stonechats, Corn Bunting, Black-headed Wagtail, Grey-headed Goldfinches. On the channel I has met Hoopoe, Grey Wagtails and Chiffchaffs. Further near Baltabai tree groves are more various and beautiful. There are pine and birch groves. There are other birds in these places. Wood Pigeons, Oriental Turtle Doves, Great Tits, Azure Tit, White-crowned Penduline Tit. There are Starlings and Tree Sparrows in the villages.Tausugur. Kuram. The road leaves on foothills. Height of road up to 800 meters above sea level. There are not roadside trees. Birds - Stonechat, Turkestan Shrike, Linnets, Tawny Pipits, one Rock Bunting, Long-legged Buzzard with catch (snake), Kestrel, Pied Wheaters, Hoopoes, Barn Swallows. On clay falls a lot of burrows, Jackdaws nest in them.On little lake nearby Kyzyl-Sharyk one Ruddy Shelduck, two Common [...... read more ]
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2007-04-23 | Askar Isabekov
The nest of Blackbirds is already empty. There is not one nestling in it already. Several time there was no one bird. Then male with the white feather in the tail arrived flying. I attentively looked around bushes and saw nestling. After a several time male flew up and fed nestling. Nestling already very quickly runs and even a little flies. Didn't search another nestlings. [...... read more ]
2007-04-21 | Askar Isabekov
The road to Degeres. Began to watch the birds only over Uzunagash. Each 20 kilometers watched different birds. Permanently saw Magpies, Jackdaws, Starlings on the road, Mynahs, Masked Wagtails in localities. Amazing a little of sparrows. Uzunagash – Karakastek. Over Uzunagash on a little river saw a flock of Green Sandpipers. There are Chiffchaffs and Lesser Whitethroats on the roadside trees. A lot of Rooks. Some of them began to nest. Not yet a leaves and Rooks are conspicuous. Locally saw flocks (5-7 birds) of Wood Pigeons. Two Black Kites. Karakastek – Akkainar. A lot of Rooks. Landscape is open foot-hills. A lot of Corn Buntings. Saw two Kestrels. One female Sparrowhawk with prey (Corn Bunting). Akkainar – Shien. Barn Swallows in Akkainar. Several Tree Sparrows, Stonechats, Pied Wheaters. The nest of Long-legged Buzzard. Both male and female flushed and began to hover. Shien – Sunkar. Corn Buntings, Linnets, Wood Pigeons. Near Sunkar one Ruddy Shelduck. Over Sunkar Bank Swallows, [...... read more ]
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2007-04-20 | Askar Isabekov
Yesterday evening I saw male Blackbird with the white feather in the tail. Already it was dark and I thought that it was mistaken. Stood to see better. Blackbird flew up nearer and sat to the branch of poplar. As soon as bird sat here from the branches little beaks stretched to it. Nestlings! While bridwatchers look to migration birds Blackbirds have a nestlings.This morning decided to look to the nest on daylight. Actually nestlings sat in the nest at the height approximately 2,5 meters. Both parents a little worried on my appearance, although the nest is located on very busy cross-road and people be situated nearble the nest constantly. After dinner I decided to visit birds again. When I approached nestlings sat harboring, female fed and male sang songs. Parents did not bring fodder to nestlings and after certain time one of nestlings came out from the nest and went to go for a walk on the branches. Once female flew up and fed it. Nestling got down on the branches increasingly below and [...... read more ]
2007-04-19 | Askar Isabekov
While grand construction evolved on KazGUgrad's waste lands, today morning I saw many birds. On high pines the pair of Sparrowhawk began to build the nest. Directly male builds nest but female sees to the process. Didn't spy to Sparrowhawks so long, was afraid to trouble its.The pair of Kestrels chose the highest building of KazGUgrad. In my opinion the falcons intend to nest there. At least, one of the birds regularly sits on the ledge of building, and another hides itself in the alcove. Other birds (Mynahs, Magpies, Pigeons, Sparrows, Great Tits) didn't pay attention to Kestrels.Red-rumped Swallows arrived flying. I wanted to photograph them onto the ground, but today this did not come out. Birds always were in air or they sat highly on the wires. In the thick bushes there are many Great Tits and Chiffchaffs. It met the small flock of Black-throated Thrushes. [...... read more ]
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2007-04-16 | Askar Isabekov
There is only one Lesser Whitethroat but a lot of Chiffchaffs. In the sky so long hovered large falcon probably Peregrine Falcon. Hovered very hight next sat to radio tower. [...... read more ]
2007-04-14 | Askar Isabekov
Morning in Almaly gorge (Bartogai reservoir placed) saw only one Black Kite and a lot Isabelline Wheaters. On the road met Wood Pigeons. On Shelek photographed singing Grey-headed Goldfinch. [...... read more ]
2007-04-13 | Askar Isabekov
Before now I saw Black-headed Wagtails on two places only. Onto the road to Shelek I attended one of these places – Janashar. Saw many Wagtails. Each 100 meters one bird sat on the wires. Striking but I saw only Black-headed Wagtails and one only Citrine Wagtail. No one another birds.Some to the north there is a little lake. Near this lake in the sky saw two flocks of Demoiselle Cranes. On the lake there are Black-headed Gulls, Lapwings, pair of Crested Grebes.Further went without stays. Twice saw Hoopoes three times saw Kestrels. Near Kyrbaltabai turning saw flying flock of Wood Pigeons (first this spring). On Malovodnoe saw sitting on tree Black Kite. When the bird flushed saw else five hovering Kites.Over Teskensu saw else two flocks of Demoiselle Cranes. One of them grounded and began to feed but got a scare and flew about 200 meters.Bartogai. Onto the road saw Isabelline Wheater only. Flushed one Long-legged Buzzard. Arrived to thr lake on the sunset. The pair of Ruddy Shelducks [...... read more ]
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