Birds - 701
Mammals - 57
Reptilies - 28
Amphibians - 3
Ray-finned Fishes - 2
Insects - 184
Arachnids - 8
Malacostracans - 2
Barred Warbler still has fed on snowberry bushes. [...... read more ]
There is damp in the city but sunny in mountains. I have seen White-bellied Dipper and Upland Buzzard only. [...... read more ]
The weather is murky and snowy. Only White-winged Grosbeaks, Blackbirds and Great Tits have leaved on New Square. Chaffinches and Bramblings have flied. May be they can't find the seeds and berries under the snow. But Blackbirds have cleared snow and leaves lightly. In the 28 Guardians Park Great Tits have got fed from the hand. Near the Circus I have seen the flock of Red-fronted Serins. [...... read more ]
Last time I have gone into mountains and city but some interesting places on steppe were overpassed. Today I have gone to Tonkeris. Near the road on the little lake I have spied the little waterfowls. But when I have stopped they have flew. But I have spied Great White Egret. White Egrets are wintering in Almaty vicinity already second winter.There are many Rooks and Tree Sparrows near the road. Once I have seen Yellowhammers. Behind Tonkeris roadside brushwood of djidah begin. On winter time there are much birds. Today I have seen same birds as last winter. There were Greenfinches, Black-throated Thrushes, Mistle Thrushes in the main. Also there were several Azure Tits and one female Rufous-backed Redstart. I didn't find male Redstart which I wanted to see. Also I have seen flying pair of Long-tailed Tits.Raptors. Common there are many Long-legged Buzzards and Rough-legged Buzzards. But today I have seen only Common Buzzard and Upland Buzzard. [...... read more ]
Winter temperature in Alma Ata always keeps over 0 C degrees. This winter some warmer, dayly temperature +5+7 C. In conjunction with thaw much birds have flew from city. Today I walked by Vesnovka river, saw Chaffinches, Wren, some Red-fronted Serins. Heard chirp of Goldfinches and saw at the outset one Black-headed (Eurasian) Goldfinch and later several flocks of Grey-headed Goldfinches. There are many bushes of bur. But wide known fact that bur is the fancy feed of Goldfinches. [...... read more ]
Today already saw the pair of Cinereous Vultures. Unfortunately they fly so high. It is impossible to photograph them. [...... read more ]
When I have moved away from little village in the chine I at once have seen a lot of birds. On chine's bellow near the river mixed flocks have fed on willows and wild apricots. Flocks contains Azure Tits in main. Today I have seen roughly speaking thirty-forty ones. Except Azure Tits there were Songar Tits, Treecreepers, Coal Tits, Goldcrests. But no one Great Tit! Above in birch groves there were much Red-fronted Serins. If to sit under the birch on which Serins feed then birch seed snowed to you from above. Droll.Raptors. Saw two Golden Eagles (one on morning and one after dinner), Black Vulture and the pair of Lammergeiers. Lammergeiers have hovered low enough. One some higher and one some lower above the trees.Today is Independent Day in Kazakhstan. Therefore on New Square (aka Independent Square) there are concerts, loud music but firework on evening. Birds have flied from this place. But I have found Barred Warbler. Also have met Sparrowhawk. [...... read more ]
There are much more White-winged Grosbeaks on New Square. Today I have seen its once and again. They have fed thuja's nuts in the main. Mixed flocks of Chaffinches, Bramblings and Sickins also have fed near thujas. Chaffinches and Bramblings have fed under the tree but Siskins on the tree. On the thawed places Blackbirds and Great Tits have fed. Siskins also have fed on the birches in company with Red-fronted Serins. So all have fed. Also I have found Barred Warbler but one only. The bird have tried separate white berry from the ice. When Warbler has seen me it has ceased to move. I have carefully moved to it. Step by step I have closed but bird has taken no notice of me. I have could to touch Warbler. Then bird has disappeared in bushes. I thought that need to capture Warbler and help to winter. But in evening Barred Warbler have run alive in the bushes. Also there were Blackbird and White-winged Grosbeak. I have touched berries. Berries were pappy not frozen. Hope Warblers will not need [...... read more ]
Met in the park one Nuthatch and one Hawfich. [...... read more ]
The weather in Astana is murky and snowy. The birches and viburnums are not croped by birds. Rare can to see Pigeon has fed not on ground but in Astana Pigeons eat berries from trees. There are little birds (Siskins, Redpolls) on the birches in north Kazakhstan towns. Last winter I photographed on birches both Siskins and Redpolls. Today I have observed trees carefully and have seen two Siskins and later have met the flock of Red Crossbills. Crossbills are some larger than sparrows therefore I have took heed of them. In first I have seen only grey-grennish females and have thought that it may be common Greenfinch. But later have seen reddish males also. One Crossbills have ate birch catkins other have pecked pine-cones. They have sat very close and have not took heed of me. Then Crossbills have flew to the viburnum. They have sat so close as I have looked them curved beacks. [...... read more ]
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© Askar Isabekov
Uzunagach, Almaty oblast.
© Askar Isabekov
Almaty, Aitykov str.
© Askar Isabekov
Sorbulak lake system. Almaty oblast.
© Askar Isabekov
Komsomol. Sorbulak lake system. Almaty oblast.