birdwatching blogs
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2006-09-30 | Askar Isabekov
Has a little cold. Therefore birds activate some later when air is worm. Turkestan Shrikes, Bluetroats and Stonechats just not migrate. But number of Stonechats was decreased and number of Bluetroats was enlarged. From time to time I saw Whitetroats (Lesser and Common), but in a little number. Great Tits and Warblers added to other birds. I didn't true determinate what Warbler was observed. But I saw one white strip therefore I think it was Hume's Warbler.Mynahs are very marked. Inroad of Mynahs to New Square. In normal there are not Mynahs in this place. But today I saw a lot of Mynahs.Uncommon meetings. Hobby. I met Hobby in the city sometimes. But bird isn't common city bird. Today I saw Hobby very close. It flied very low in company of Magpie. In second - Oriental Turtle Dove. This Dove lives in foot-hills and meeting in the town's is a rare event. Other intersting meeting is Tree Sparrow in the flock of House Sparrows.In last I flushed more then ten Quails. I thought that behold Quails [...... read more ]
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2006-09-28 | Askar Isabekov
There are only resident inhabitants on Butakovka. Brown Dipper and Carrion Crows. [...... read more ]
2006-09-27 | Askar Isabekov
Rooks and Blackbirds are our winter nomads. Rooks fly from north part of Kazakhstan. Blackbirds down from mountains. [...... read more ]
2006-09-24 | Askar Isabekov
The reservoir near Turar. Black Kites, Ruddy Shelducks and Lapwings – today's main characters. Kites are most appreciable birds in autumn. If you left the city you can see Kite's round dances in the sky. Many Kites sit on the ground and on the trees but they are not so appreciable. But some trees looks like apple trees with kites-apples . Kites likes water therefore so much kites near reservoir.Lapwings are going to migrate. Flights are very large (some tens each it). Birds fly over steppe and near reservoir. From time to time Lapwings moving from one side of reservoir to other it.Ruddy Shelducks, First time I saw the reservoir where Ruddy Shelducks are main (or unique) part of the ducks. May be they nested here. Because ducks doesn't attend to boat's moving. [...... read more ]
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2006-09-22 | Askar Isabekov
Kaskelen Gorge. Special one-day expedition to the birds. In early morning most interesting is vision to Black-throated Accentors and Tits. Accentors eat on the tops of fir trees. Tits (Azure Tits and Coal Tits) east some down. To see all process of eating need to stay above on a slope. Birds quickly get used to man.When some warmly time to go to birch wood. This light mountain wood is habitat of Tien Shan Spotted Woodpecker. I saw Woodpecker in company of Mistle Thrushes. Often (especially in winter time) Woodpecker fly and eat with Tits together. Today Woodpecker do it with Mistle Thrushes.Midday time. Air was worm. Time to raptors. Long-legged Buzzard and Goshawk makes flight of territory. This time all birds are silence. After five minutes there were Coal Tits. From some time there were other birds.Today I saw Wren so closely. Wren does not depart far from the bush. When I sat close to bush I saw Wren's moving over the bush.I tried to photograph Blue-caped Redstarts (only one redstart [...... read more ]
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2006-09-21 | Askar Isabekov
Some days I have presentiment I will meet owl. Two days I went to the work and examined trees. I thought than I will meet large owl but met little Scops-Owl. Met in the City Center on the larch. Owl sat easy. [...... read more ]
2006-09-20 | Askar Isabekov
Sunny day after some rainy days. There are some Stonechats and Turkestan Shrikes on the New Square. Nothing new. Blackbirds down from snowy mountains. There are five birds in one place. One adult male with red beak, one female and black-beaked juveniles. [...... read more ]
2006-09-17 | Askar Isabekov
Каскеленское ущелье, входящее в состав Или-Алатауского Национального Парка, выгодно отличается от других ущелий малолюдностью и шириной. Я был в этом ущелье первый раз со всеми вытекающими плюсами и минусами. Во-первых, все впечатления свежие, а, во-вторых, я не знал кого здесь можно увидеть, а кого нет. Птиц уже немного, летнего щебетания нет. Тем не менее кое-кого повстречать удалось. Деряба (ну она, скорее всего, и зимовать будет), горихвостки – седоголовая (самец и самка) и еще непонятная (скорее всего красноспинная). Чиж и московки, шелушащие еловые [...... read more ]
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2006-09-16 | Askar Isabekov
Пару дней идут дожди. Сегодня мне вспомнилось, что во время таких вот дождей птицам трудно, а, может быть, даже и невозможно совершать дальние перелеты. После одного такого дождя я встретил в Алма-Ате, на Новой площади козодоев. С утра шел дождь, но к обеду вышло солнце и стало довольно ветреный – самое время идти на площадь. Первое, что бросается в глаза на площади – это обилие черноголовых чеканов. Их, наверное, несколько сотен. Чеканы, также, как и сорокопуты, любят сидеть на верхних веточках, столбиках, вобщем, на заметных местах. Поэтому они сразу [...... read more ]
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2006-09-15 | Askar Isabekov
Горные трясогузки пока еще летают. Как всегда активны бурые оляпки. Видел сокола – не то дербника, не то пустельгу. Позже такого же непонятного сокола видел и в городе. [...... read more ]
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