birdwatching blogs
2010-06-30 | Askar Isabekov
At morning in Toretam area I saw the pair of Stock Pigeons picked up the seeds on roadside. Between Toretam and Kazalinsk in addition to Stock Pigeons (which were the most interesting of the morning records) I also have three observations of Black-bellied Sandgrouses (3, 1, 2 birds). Some times Caspian Gulls were noticed. From about Kamyshlybash till Aralsk in the desert roadsides there are the wells near which I observed not only Camels but the birds too. Almost on each well the Steppe Eagles were occurred, the Eagles were so much that first time I took them for the Kites. The Sandgrouses occurred too, I for sure saw Black-bellied Sandgrouses and heard croaked Pin-tailed ones. Also on one puddle I saw the flock of Collared Pratincoles and one Kentish Plover.In Aralsk city on so hot day I probably should glad to see even common Sparrow. But I watched more rare bird. Near the well the water formed the puddle, from which the Desert Finches drunk the water. Finches were both black-billed adults [...... read more ]
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2010-06-29 | Askar Isabekov
In the morning near Baigekum village I attempted to find Saxaul Sparrows or/and White-winged Woodpeckers but didn't see both. Some times I walked in the thickets between Jolek and Syrdaria river coast. I watched Blue-cheeked Bee-eaters, one careful Menetries Warbler, Pied Bushchat and Turkestan Tits, in addition to rarities I also saw Eurasian Bee-eaters, Collared Doves (in Baigekum and Jolek), Red-headed Buntings, Hoopoes, Common Swifts and Barn Swallows. Some times I saw flying by Grey Herons. Near water tank in Baigekum the Shikra hunted to Tree Sparrows.On the road to Kyzylorda there were some Asian Poplar groves, in one of them I stayed. I saw many tree-holes made by Woodpeckers but didn't watch neither Woodpeckers nor other birds. Only one nest of Shikra was noticed.Over Kyzylorda on road sides there were the little lakes (even may be named as puddles). Near this lakes some times I saw Marsh Harriers, once the pair of Ferruginous Ducks, three times White-tailed Lapwings and also flying [...... read more ]
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2010-06-28 | Askar Isabekov
The gorge to Karaoi is full dry, even there were some pools but river channel is dry. In rocks I noticed the Isabelline and Pied Wheatears. Also I watched Red-headed Buntings and pair of Chukar Partridges with the large brood. On one pool I saw the Green Sandpiper, from time to time Kestrels flew by. In the vicinity of Karatau city near the rocks I watched Red-rumped Swallows which probably nest in these rocks. The rocks is the primary nestings place of Red-rumped Swallows, but later they become to nest in the human constructions. Also I saw on the road the crushed Nightjar. [...... read more ]
2010-06-27 | Askar Isabekov
Myrzatai, Sarykemer area. The true rarity was one only - Blue-cheeked Bee-eater, other ones were common Eurasian Bee-eaters. On the semi-dryed fish-pond there were the mixed flock of Black-winged Stilt and Northern Lapwings, and also many Crested Larks. Weather was very hot, birds were a bit.Karaoi. Karatau foothills. In high willow trees of the little oasis I noticed more than one dizen nests of the Lesser Grey and Long-tailed Shrikes which active fed both fledglings and nestlings. [...... read more ]
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2010-06-26 | Askar Isabekov
On the little ponds in Aspara village the Coots and Moorhens float with juveniles, Black-headed Gulls fly by and one a little cautious Kingfisher hide in the cane thickets. At last I have shoot flying by Night Herons, though against the sun. There are a lot of Long-tailed Shrikes, Masked Wagtails and Corn Buntings which are feeding their nestlings.I have seen another nest of White Storks in which there were 6 birds, one of which is adult with the red bill. I guess that it not one big nest but two adjacent, if it possible. [...... read more ]
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2010-06-03 | Askar Isabekov
The rain was from early morning till afternoon. The weather was quite a dark. I didn't turn from the main road but on the road sides I didn't see any interesting. Only near Akterek I spotted sitting on branches Moorhen. [...... read more ]
2010-06-02 | Askar Isabekov
Sary-Agash region. At night the strong rain was again. Day was cloudy and sometimes overcast. I stayed at night in the village former named Ordzhonikidze but later renamed and now people are going to rename it again. At morning I went to Shardara town which was at about 60-70 km from my overnight place. Directly from the road I noticed Blue-cheeked Bee-eater sitting on the wires. I hoped to watch this bird and other birds of Southern Kazakhstan (such as Pied Bushchat) later, but unfortunately this record was one only. The road around the Shardara reservoir passes by steppe zone. The birds which I saw were common to steppes: Rosy Starlings, European Bee-eaters, Crested Larks, Rollers, and once and again I watched the Marsh Harriers. I was in this country first time but didn't feel any difference from the northerner places, probably because I didn't close either to Shardara reservoir or to Syradrya river. Shardara town. Weather was cloudy. On the little lake which there is almost in the town [...... read more ]
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2010-06-01 | Askar Isabekov
Shaulder-Arys. Day began with the rain which was almost till evening. I went from Arystanbab across Syrdarya river but afraid to go to Shardara because the road on map was traced by dotted line only (but later I got to know that I could do it). So I came back to Shaulder and turned to main road in Tortkol and from it to Arys. All time the rain was, birds were a bit. I noticed only one Hobby was sitting directly on roadside. Arriving to Arys I again tried to go to Shardara but unfortunately the road from Arys to Shardara was repairing too. Therefore I came back to Shymkent and went to Sary-Agash. The steppe over Arys was dry, Crested Larks were a lot, there were some Caspian Gulls too.All road from Arys till Abai (through Shymkent and Sary-Agash) passes across the almost continual chain of towns and villages. I noted only common birds of southern villages: Laughing Doves, Long-tailed Shrikes, and once I saw how Red-rumped Swallows picked up the mud to nests from the puddle formed by the [...... read more ]